#CoupeDuMondeDesStartups: Costa-Rica, TripFab ou la fin des agences de voyage ?

Une plateforme pour contacter directement un acteur local du tourisme …


Michael La Rosa et Cristian Araya ont imaginé une plateforme en ligne où les voyageurs peuvent entrer directement en contact avec tous les acteurs du tourisme de leur destination, sans aucun intermédiaire.

Sur TripFab, ils peuvent découvrir, planifier et payer l’ensemble de leur voyage (vol, hôtel, transport, circuit, etc.) en une seule transaction, sans aucun agent de voyage en ligne ou hors ligne.



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Kokou Adzo

Kokou is a fervent advocate for the seamless fusion of business and technology, he has always been at the forefront of innovation. Graduating from two esteemed European institutions, the University of Siena in Italy and the University of Rennes in France, he mastered the nuances of Communications and Political Science. With a diverse educational background, Kokou consistently offers insights that reflect his deep understanding of the modern digital landscape shaped by both commerce and governance. Those who have the privilege to read his pieces or collaborate with him are invariably inspired by his vision of a world where business meets tech not just at the crossroads of necessity but at the pinnacle of innovation.


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